Friday, February 12, 2016

Every Picture Tells A Story - Abbott's Story

     I'm sure you have heard the old saying, "A picture speaks a thousand words." Or, as I like to put it, "Every picture tells a story." Since I have taken up photography, I have seen first hand just how true that is. 

     What does this picture say to you? To me it speaks volumes. Of course, I know the little fellow captured here, and I know his story.

     This is Abbott. He is our cat. He is a special cat. OK, let's be honest, he's our baby boy. Six years ago, on a cold, wet Sunday morning, my wife, Tanya stumbled upon him in our front yard. He was tiny! He couldn't have been more than a week old. In fact, he still had his umbilical cord attached to his little belly. Tanya brought him inside, tears streaming down her cheek, fearing that he wasn't going to make it.

     Tanya is a cat person. At that time in life I would tolerate them, but Abbott changed me. I was the one responsible for feeding him at all hours of the night. I was the one who tended to his every need. I was the one slowly becoming the father of a cat! It was worth it. He has become the center of our family. He is now fat, sassy, and the most lovable, adorable kid cat you will ever find.

     So, to me this picture says, "Peek-a-boo! Ready or not, here I am!" That's how he entered our life and we are so glad he did.

     What about you? Do you have a story that you would like told? I would like to start a series of photos/stories to share with the world. I'm looking for people in North Mississippi that are willing to let me photograph them and share their story. If you are interested in being a part of this adventure, just let me know.

You can contact me at or through facebook at

Everyone has a story. I really want to hear and share yours. I hope to hear from you soon!

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